Florida Homeowners Insurance - Trampoline

Check with your Florida Insurance agent to see if your trampoline, pool slide or diving board is covered by your homeowner's policy. Log on to www.theinsurancecenter.us for complete details.

This is Frank Hanrahan from the Insurance Center of Central Florida. All of our kids love the things that are fun and dangerous. They love trampolines, they love diving boards, they love pool slides, but the problem is they cause injuries. Insurance companies don't like injuries 'cause they cause claims. So when your child says, hey, I want a pool slide, trampoline, or diving board, check with your insurance company first to make sure that they're not gonna come out and see that and then cancel your policy, and then you spent all that money and have to remove it. If you have any questions, give us a call at 1-800-659-0986 or look us up on the web. Thank you.


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