Jewelry Coverage..What is covered under Homeowners? Insurance Center of Central Florida, Palm Bay

Hi, I'm Frank Hanrahan from the Insurance Center. I'd like to give you a tip on jewelry insurance. Most people can either insure their jewelry under their Homeowner's policy or you can buy a separate policy from a company that specializes in jewelry coverage. The advantage of buying it under your Homeowner's is, hey, it's one policy, one bill, it makes it a little easier. The downside is if you have a claim under that policy, that claim counts against your Homeowner's. The other way you can do it is you can buy a separate jewelry policy from a company that specializes in it, and then if you have a claim, it doesn't go against your Homeowner's. In Florida, with the policies up in the air sometimes, it's best not to have a claim, so I would suggest you look at that situation, price it out, see what you want to do. If you have any questions or we can help you, give us a call 1-800-659-0986 or look us up on the web. Thank you.

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