Melbourne Florida Auto Insurance - Teen Drivers GPS

Some GPS systems will allow you to monitor your teens driving habits when you are not in the car. Log on to for complete details.

Hi, I'm Frank Hanrahan from the Insurance Center of Central Florida today talking about GPSs in the cars for our kids when they're driving. I know a lot of us don't want to spy on our kids, but there are now devices you can get to go in the car that will monitor the speed, the roads they're traveling, and how they're braking. I know that we say, oh, I don't want to spy on our kids, but I think it's a big deterrent when they're driving knowing that any given moment, we can look up and see what they're doing or how fast they're driving. So, we suggest you look into one of these devices where it may save you some money on your insurance.

If you have questions, give us a call at 1-800-659-0986 extension 215. Thank you,

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